Decorative plaster MEGATON for interior works

Any surface. Any Colour. Do it yourself. Perfect price!


• Is applied to any surface: plaster without grinding, concrete, stone fort, dry mixes, rough finishes, backgrounds, etc.
• Hides wall defects and the appearance of small cracks (spider webs).
• Provides one-piece coating (without seams).
• Can be covered with water-based paint in one layer in any color.
• Does not require expensive quartz primers!
• Is vapor-permeable (walls breathe).
• Easily repaired.
• Environmentally friendly.
• Fireproof (does not support burning).

The “Megaton” is the most economical option of “Excellent wall” decorative plaster. It is ideal for those, seeking high-quality decorative plaster at low price. It does not require thorough preparation of surfaces. Perfectly conceals minor wall defects. After drying, may be painted in any desired colour. Rate: 5 sq.m.

The monitor may distort the true colour of the image. You can see the true colours in our company catalogue.

SKU: MEGATON Category:



Structure ……………. .medium texture

Chromaticity ……………………. ..white

Wear-resistance ……………. ..standard

Coverage area ……………………. .5 m²



Preparation of the surface for application

Before you start you need to carefully inspect the surface which you are going to coat. Swollen and loose plaster is necessary to be removed, cracks (wider than 2 mm) are to be pointed and puttied. Large dents and unevenness should be plastered or puttied as well, since their presence can significantly affect the consumption of coating material and, consequently, the price of your repair.

As a primer – only one layer of any water-based paint can be applied. This will be enough, since the weight of one square meter is only 200-250 grams.

Preparation, application and painting of Megaton plaster

• Pour the package into a container. Add the amount of warm water indicated on the package. Stir (possible with a mixer). Leave for 3-4 hours for complete glue dissolution. Then the resulting mixture is applied onto the surface with a plastic float.
• After application, the material should be allowed to dry well, for this purpose, ensure a temperature of at least + 18 ° C and good ventilation of the room (draft).
• After complete drying of the plaster, you can apply any water-based paint of any color. One layer is sufficient. Use only the paint that is intended for collation. To obtain a washable surface, use an emulsion with respective characteristics.

Additional information

Shade of Megaton

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